
Fun facts about “Where in the World is One Woman’s Camino” summer reading contest:

  • 90 percent of the people who played were women
  • One Woman’s Camino visited 14 countries and 11 states
  • Most common location for reading OWC: on the beach
  • Was photographed on a plane, on a train, on a barge, in a kayak!
  • Three people took photos of themselves reading and sipping their favorite adult beverage (I bet there were more!!)
  • One fellow pilgrim, John from Galway, Ireland, took OWC back to Spain when he returned to El Camino de Santiago in 2018.

The Annapurna Circuit is considered one of the best treks in the world. Shaped like a horseshoe, the full circuit travels 130 miles around the Annapurna massif in the Himalayas and takes about three weeks to walk. This busy pilgrimage and trading route typically begins in the Marsyangdi River Valley and climbs past subtropical rice terraces, through dense forests thick with rhododendron, and into the thin air of Thorung La, one of the highest mountain passes in the world. A cultural mash-up, the route connects the Hindu lowlands with the Buddhist highlands as it skirts along the Tibetan border, a virtual no-man’s-land between China and Nepal. All the while, the trek offers views of the highest peaks on earth.